Founding Partners
Gender Lens Investing State of the Field 2022
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Welcome to the GenderSmart State of the Field, the largest single qualitative survey of gender lens investing ever conducted.
To create this report, we interviewed 141 investors, intermediaries and gender experts around the globe. We then structured their reflections around eight strategic leverage points – Institutions, Products and Services, Data, Narratives and Nudging, Leadership and Organisational Culture, Influence and Engagement, Policy, and Civil Society – designed to help those working across the gender-smart ecosystem consider what they can do to move both their own work and the field forward.
While this report is not exhaustive, it is extensive, capturing the broadest and most in-depth spectrum of insight and experience across the gender-smart investing field to date. We hope these insights assist you with your own investment strategy and vision for a gender-smart future.
Interviews Include:
Explore the Leverage Points
Shifting Institutions
Financial Products and Services
Data, Materiality and Analysis
Narratives and Nudging
Influence and Engagement
Civil Society